Tuesday, November 26, 2019

3 pasos para renovar sin entrevista la visa de turista

3 pasos para renovar sin entrevista la visa de turista La renovacià ³n de la visa de turista para Estados Unidos puede hacerse siguiendo un trmite rpido y sencillo siempre que se realice dentro de plazo. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre quià ©nes no necesitan la visa de turista y por lo tanto no precisan renovarla. Tambià ©n cundo se tiene que renovar, si se tiene una, cà ³mo es el proceso, quà © 3 decisiones puede tomar el oficial consular y quà © no se debe hacer porque pone en peligro la visa y/o su renovacià ³n. Con esta informacià ³n ser fcil obtener la renovacià ³n del visado. Quià ©nes no necesitan una visa de turista para ingresar a Estados Unidos Es importante saber que las personas extranjeras que desean viajara a Estados Unidos como turistas o para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico necesitan de una visa B2 o la combinacià ³n de una B1/B2 de turista/negocios, si bien existen importantes excepciones: Mexicanos y extranjeros residentes en Mà ©xico que viven junto a la frontera pueden solicitar una tarjeta de cruce, tambià ©n conocida como visa lser. Pero sà ³lo sirve para un tiempo ms limitado que la visa de turista y tambià ©n est restringida a ingresos terrestres y no permite adentrarse ilimitadamente en territorio de los Estados Unidos.CanadiensesCiudadanos de 38 paà ­ses parte del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas.   Entre esos 38 paà ­ses se encuentran, entre otros, Espaà ±a, Chile, Italia y Portugal, lo cual puede ser de interà ©s para muchos latinoamericanos que cuentan con doble nacionalidad, siendo una de ellas la de un paà ­s incluido ese ese Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. Cundo es necesario renovar la visa de turista Si ya se tiene una visa de turista, conocida en algunos paà ­ses como de paseo o de placer, à ©sta tiene una vigencia limitada. Puede dejar de ser vlida porque se aprueba por un nà ºmero limitado de ingresos y estos ya se han agotado o porque ya ha llegado su fecha de expiracià ³n (tambià ©n conocida como de vencimiento). En cualquiera de estos casos es necesario renovar la visa si se quiere viajar de nuevo a los Estados Unidos. El proceso es muy similar a los de peticià ³n por primera vez, pero con dos importantes novedades: el porcentaje de aprobacià ³n es mucho ms alto en las renovacionesen  algunos  casos no es necesaria la entrevista en el consulado. Estas circunstancias se han endurecido desde que el presidente Donald Trump entrà ³ en la Casa Blanca. 3 trmites para la renovacià ³n de la visa de turista americana Deben seguirse los siguientes pasos: En primer lugar, completar en là ­nea el documento DS-160.  La opcià ³n que aplica es la de visa renewal. Aunque el formulario est en inglà ©s, es posible ver una traduccià ³n al espaà ±ol colocando el cursor encima del texto que se quiere traducir. En segundo lugar, pagar la cuota correspondiente. El procedimiento de pago tiene variaciones de paà ­s a paà ­s por lo que se debe seguir las instrucciones del DS-160. Esta tarifa nunca se regresa, aunque la visa no sea aprobada. En tercer lugar, si es necesario cerrar una cita para la entrevista en la oficina consular, seguir el procedimiento. Si no es obligatorio, proceder a entregar la documentacià ³n como se seà ±ala en el formulario de internet.   Casos de exencià ³n de la entrevista para renovar la visa de turista americana La entrevista en el consulado o embajada es uno de los trmites que ms disgusta a los solicitantes de las visas de turista. Una de las razones es porque la necesidad de presentarse en el edificio consular obliga a dedicar buena parte de una maà ±ana a ese trmite o incluso ms, si hay que desplazarse a otra ciudad. Pero adems, hay el factor subjetivo de los nervios. No todas las persona se ponen nerviosas, pero muchas sà ­, por no saber quà © le van a preguntar, por temor a dar una respuesta equivocada, etc. Por todo ello, la posibilidad de no tener que acudir a la entrevista es festejado por muchos solicitantes de la renovacià ³n de la visa. El  Programa de Exencià ³n de la Entrevista, conocido por sus siglas en inglà ©s de  IWP, que establecià ³ paulatinamente el gobierno del presidente Barack Obama permità ­a muchos casos de renovacià ³n sin necesidad de entrevista. Sin embargo, el  Ã‚  Donald Trump ha anulado esa waiver en muchos casos. Actualmente, estos son los lineamientos para no tener que presentarse a la entrevista durante la tramitacià ³n de la visa de turista americana: Nià ±os de 6 aà ±os o menoresPersonas mayores de 80 aà ±osPersonas cuya visa de turista haya expirado hace menos de 12 meses y que nunca hayan tenido problemas en las aduanas de EE.UU., nunca hayan sido detenidas y a las que nunca se les haya negado o anulado una visa americana. En todos los casos, las embajadas y consulados de Estados Unidos pueden decidir unilateralmente que un solicitante debe presentarse a la entrevista aà ºn cuando entre dentro de las excepciones que en teorà ­a permitirà ­an no tener que cumplir con ese propà ³sito. Quà © puede suceder durante el proceso de  renovacià ³n de la visa El oficial consular puede decidir: aprobar la visadeclarar un procedimiento administrativo, es decir, ni aprobacià ³n ni negacià ³nNegar la visa. ​ Las posibilidades de que esto suceda son pequeà ±as, ya que en los casos de renovacià ³n se produce menos de un dos por ciento de rechazo de entre todas las solicitudes. Pero sà ­ que es una posibilidad real. No obstante, es mucho menor a lo que sucede cuando se solicita por primera vez, donde el rechazo en general supera el 20 por ciento de las peticiones, si bien hay grandes diferencias segà ºn el consulado. Las causas por las que se produce un rechazo caen bsicamente dentro de dos grandes categorà ­as, causas que convierten a una persona en inelegible para la visa de turista y las que la convierten en inadmisible para ingresar a los Estados Unidos.   Si el problema se origina por una de estas à ºltimas causas, es aconsejable asesorarse con un abogado de inmigracià ³n especialista en waivers para analizar si es conveniente solicitar uno. A esto tambià ©n se le conoce como perdones o permisos. Quà © puede poner en peligro conservar la visa de turista Para evitar problemas muy desagradables e incluso sufrir la cancelacià ³n de la visa es conveniente saber la respuesta correcta a estas dos preguntas:  ¿es conveniente quedarse en EEUU el mximo tiempo permitido? En este punto es de extrema importancia conocer las consecuencias, ya que desde el punto de vista migratorio son graves. Adems, es importante saber  con quà © frecuencia se puede regresar  a Estados Unidos como turista ya que la mayorà ­a de los viajeros no son conscientes de que el ingreso a EE.UU. les puede ser negado por un oficial migratorio aunque, en teorà ­a, estn movià ©ndose dentro de los parmetros que marca la ley. Para mayor informacià ³n sobre cà ³mo obtener y conservar la visa, se recomienda tomar este  este quiz, trivial o test sobre visas. Este artà ­culo tiene una finalidad informativa. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso en particular.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Overview of Population Growth Rates

Overview of Population Growth Rates The rate of national population growth is expressed as a percentage for each country, commonly between about 0.1% and 3% annually. Natural Growth vs. Overall Growth Youll find two percentages associated with population - natural growth and overall growth. Natural growth represents the births and deaths in a countrys population and does not take into account migration. The overall growth rate takes migration into account. For example, Canadas natural growth rate is 0.3% while its overall growth rate is 0.9%, due to Canadas open immigration policies. In the U.S., the natural growth rate is 0.6% and overall growth is 0.9%. The growth rate of a country provides demographers and geographers with a good contemporary variable for current growth and for comparison between countries or regions. For most purposes, the overall growth rate is more frequently utilized. Doubling Time The growth rate can be used to determine a country or regions or even the planets doubling time, which tells us how long it will take for that areas current population to double. This length of time is determined by dividing the growth rate into 70. The number 70 comes from the natural log of 2, which is .70. Given Canadas overall growth of 0.9% in the year 2006, we divide 70 by .9 (from the 0.9%) and yield a value of 77.7 years. Thus, in 2083, if the current rate of growth remains constant, Canadas population will double from its current 33 million to 66 million. However, if we look at the U.S. Census Bureaus International Data Base Summary Demographic Data for Canada, we see that Canadas overall growth rate is expected to decline to 0.6% by 2025. With a growth rate of 0.6% in 2025, Canadas population would take about 117 years to double (70 / 0.6 116.666). The Worlds Growth Rate The worlds current (overall as well as natural) growth rate is about 1.14%, representing a doubling time of 61 years. We can expect the worlds population of 6.5 billion to become 13 billion by 2067 if current growth continues. The worlds growth rate peaked in the 1960s at 2% and a doubling time of 35 years. Negative Growth Rates Most European countries have low growth rates. In the United Kingdom, the rate is 0.2%, in Germany, its 0.0%, and in France, 0.4%. Germanys zero rate of growth includes a natural increase of -0.2%. Without immigration, Germany would be shrinking, like the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic and some other European countries growth rate is actually negative (on average, women in the Czech Republic give birth to 1.2 children, which is below the 2.1 needed to yield zero population growth). The Czech Republics natural growth rate of -0.1 cannot be used to determine doubling time because the population is actually shrinking in size. High Growth Rates Many Asian and African countries have high growth rates. Afghanistan has a current growth rate of 4.8%, representing a doubling time of 14.5 years. If Afghanistans growth rate remains the same (which is very unlikely and the countrys projected growth rate for 2025 is a mere 2.3%), then the population of 30 million would become 60 million in 2020, 120 million in 2035, 280 million in 2049, 560 million in 2064, and 1.12 billion in 2078! This is a ridiculous expectation. As you can see, population growth percentages is better utilized for short term projections. Increased population growth generally represents problems for a country - it means increased need for food, infrastructure, and services. These are expenses that most high-growth countries have little ability to provide today, let alone if the population rises dramatically.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hip Hop and Rap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hip Hop and Rap - Essay Example Through the history of the hip hop movement, there have been several significant figures contributed to its development. The origin of hip hop movement may be traced back to the early 1970s when rap was introduced at block parties in New York City as a specific genre, and DJs started cutting off the beating breaks of funk, soul, and disco songs and expanding them. MCs began to talk between songs, joking and normally interacting with the audience in order to introduce the DJs and to invigorate the crowd. Thus, the new genre began to attract audience and became commercially successful. The American funk group the Sugarhill Gang, through its "Rapper's Delight," made a remarkable contribution to the popularity of hip hop music, and many critics consider this as the earliest hip hop single. This hip hop group, credited with the first ever gold single, ensured the commercial feasibility of the genre, which resulted in the wide-ranging popularity of the rap music.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Junk food Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Junk food - Assignment Example The researchers in this research paper set out to find out and verify whether the availability of junk food in schools was the reason that led to the obesity in these children. The research only focused on the children from fifth grade and only during school hours and depended on reports from the children and their parents on issues to do with exercises when at home which were bound to be biased or incomplete in some ways. The sample was of 9,380 children who were all in fifth grade in both public and private schools and who had started school in 1998. Data collected from them was that of BMI at the beginning and the end of the research period and the difference calculated. Data was also collected from parents, teachers and other school sources on things such as the children’s cognitive skills and abilities, their social wellbeing, emotional and physical wellbeing and development and especially on their physical activity both in school and at home which may change the results of the BMI in the long run. The data was collected in 2003 and 2004. Other than collection of data on BMI and physical activity, it was also collected on the amount of junk food consumed and the number of calories the junk food contained (Datar and Nicosia, 2012). The results indicated slight increases in BMI in these children from the calories intake of the junk food consumed in school. The physical activity also was very minimal both in school and at home based on the reports from the teachers, parents and the children themselves.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Controversy Over Censorship In Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

The Controversy Over Censorship In Huckleberry Finn Essay Throughout the years, conflict with race has set the tone for the flowering and evolution of Americas history. In present day America, racial slurs are uncommon. They are used as a sign of discrimination in a way that is unfamiliar to the ear. Published in 1884, Mark Twain wrote one of the most powerful stories of all time, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which exhibits the intimate dynamic of racism in the time of great agony, injustice, and inequity for African Americans. The word ‘nigger’ appears 219 times throughout the story. (Hudson, 2011) This has provoked a great amount of conflict, and has escalated to the extent in which many schools are forbidding the book; erasing it from grade-school curricula due to the illiberality in context. Years have passed, and racism is now not accepted in many societies, as it was in the 19th century. We forget that Twain used his language to instrument the behavior of society. Language serves as a link to historical culture. Removing the word would remove the significance of why it was ever placed there. (Bouie 2011) For years now, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been ceasing rapidly from school curricula because of the use of the word ‘nigger’. Instead of banning the book, the idea of changing the word from â€Å"nigger† to â€Å"slave† has been issued. Alan Gribben, an english professor at Auburn University, proposed this idea to the publisher in hopes that more schools could persist in using Mark Twain’s writing as an educational source and in trust that this addition would manage the growth of the roots of the book once again. Gribben once wrote, â€Å"even at the level of college and graduate school, students are capable of resenting textual encounters with this racial appellative.† (Gribben, 2011) Substituting the word does nothing essential to the aspect of understanding our failures. Avoiding the fruitless actions of the past does not gain justice, awareness, and will not yield an era in which discrimination occurred. (Chabon, 2011) Although the language in Huckleberry Finn is discriminatory towards African Americans, the actions of banning and substitution should not be made. America was not always the same way it is today, and that is something we, as Americans, have to respect and understand. There is no better way to connect to the story than without the tone and word choice while reading the unrevised edition of Huck Finn. This was a culture that was ugly and cruel. Pretending it never happened, by substituting the word ‘nigger’ for ‘slave’, cannot provide the full amount of wisdom and accurate knowledge of this generation. Earl Ofari Huchinson from The Grio states, â€Å"Critics are calling it censorship, a slap at freedom of speech, and a gross distortion of Twain’s intent Twain’s goal was to show the ugliness an evilness of slavery and to do that he had to use the rawest racist language of his day.† (Huchinson, 2011) Twain was aware of the discerning words a nd selected them finely to portray this era of life. The era of this story was based on a time that racial slurs were more acceptable and habitual. Slavery was a large part of society. Time was different. Language was raw. Twain used his words to show the immortality of society linked to slavery and to do this, he used the most vulgar language of this time. (Huchinson, 2011) He chose words that were essential to the intimacy of the story, and should not have been blamed for such language that was used more than a century ago. Jennifer Crane explains for The Corner Observer, that Huckleberry Finn shows an accurate understanding of how far our society has come since the 1800’s. â€Å"Besides getting a history lesson, Huck teaches us life lessons. It shows how an innocent boy can break free from societys wrongful thinking and finally think for himself. This act of individualism by Huck affects how people viewed race,† (Crane, 2011) she comments. Yet the decision to keep the book from the original is still up in the air. (Crane, 2011) People may argue that the substitution is the best method to keep these books in grade school curriculum. (Kakutani, 2011) Starting on page six, the ‘n’ word begins to escalate and continue to be seen till the last chapter. This word is one that most people do not find comfortable saying, let alone reading. Changing the authors original work, even in the slightest, alters the intentions that were engaged. A new, restored edition of Huckleberry Finn will be released in mid-february by SouthNew books. Words will be eliminated that appear displeasing. Their main task is to develop a new impression of Huckleberry Finn that may gather a new group of individuals. At a disparaging standpoint, altering a book’s motives, by removing or substituting a word, would completely diminish the motif Twain possessed. Alexandra Petri from The Atlantic wrote, â€Å"This is like changing War and Peace to Peace, because war is unpleasant to remember.† (Petri, 2011) Their mission, in my eyes, confuses me, because I do not comprehend the idea and reasoning around altering a story’s cultural presence to gather a larger crowd, when they do not get to experience the absolute, powerful experience that they otherwise would. Exchanging ‘nigger’ for ‘slave’ is unreasonable and holds a weight of culture and historical importance. Removing this curriculum in schools deprives children of famous, classic literature that has such great history and mark on society. (La Rosa, 2011) (restate thesis, intro) References: Bouie, J. (2011). Taking the History out of ‘Huck Finn.’ The Atlantic. Retrieved from http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2011/01/taking-the-history-out-of-huck-finn/68870/ Chabon, M. (2011). The Unspeakable, in Its Jammies. The Atlantic. Retrieved from http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2011/01/the-unspeakable-in-its-jammies/69369/ Crane, J. (2011 February 8). There shouldn’t be a controversy over Huck. The Corning Observer. Retrieved from http://www.corning-observer.com/articles/book-9139-huck-schools.html Huchinson, E. (2011 January 5). Why the N-word should stay in ‘Huck Finn’. The Grio. Retrieved from http://thegrio.com/2011/01/05/why-the-n-word-should-stay-in-huck-finn/ Kakutani, M. (2011, January 6). Light Out, Huck, They Still Want to Sivilize You. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Food Consumption in America :: Health Nutrition Diet Exercise Essays

Food Consumption    Not all people eat the same food, but there are some connections between who people eat with and what types of food they eat. Throughout life, people live with different people or alone and they eat different food. Most people live with their family when they are young, then move out and live on their own, then sometimes get married and have their own family, and then live once again on their own or with their spouse.    While living at home, parents usually make food for their children. They make dinner for the family, and it is usually healthy. The children eat fairly healthy because even when they make food for themselves, the food in the house is probably fairly healthy. Not only do the children eat pretty healthy, the parent or parents do too. They make meals for the family and they mostly have all food groups included. They can prepare a lot of food and most of it will get eaten. For example, a parent can make a bag of frozen vegetables, and most of it will get eaten by the family. If a person living on their own wanted vegetables, the bag would have more servings than needed. When someoneà ­s food is prepared for them, they will be very willing to eat it and they will not need to do any work themselves.    When children move away from home and go to school, the school cafeteria makes food for them. This food is made for many people and there is a large variety. Overall it is healthy and people eat it because it is good, but mostly because it is prepared for them.    When children move away from home and do not go to school but live on their own, they do not always eat very healthy. No one makes food for them, and they do not want to take a lot of time to prepare food for just themselves. Also, they do not want to make a large amount of food for just one person and have too much food left over. This is true for anyone who lives on their own. People who live alone only need to make enough for one person, and they always need to make it themselves unless they go out to eat.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Changes in Political Culture Between 2004 and 2008 Essay

After reading all of the lecture notes and spending quite some time browsing the internet, I found three things that dramatically changed between the 2004 and 2008 Presidential elections. Media influence, technology and the change in demographics played major roles in the 2008 elections. Media influence was the number one change between 2004 and 2008. Although the media played a big part of the 2004 elections, that election does not compare to the media frenzy of 2008. In 2008, television became the primary medium for conveying the campaign to Americans. The television channels devoted hours a day to observing every small item, almost all of it live. Little was said back and forth between the campaigns that were not reported quickly by a media outlet. Across the medium, 67% of the time on cable came from talk format or live standup. Only 23% came from reported pieces in which correspondents have control of the message. (2) What press stories made a difference in 2008? There was more reporting on the background and character of candidates during the primaries, when the process of discovery was new and went on longer. Yet arguably, the two most important stories about Obama came from a church DVD (the sermon by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. ) and a tape made by a blogger doubling as a supporter (Mayhill Fowler) ,working for Huffington Post, who recorded Obama’s statement about bitter small-town voters. The reporting on Sarah Palin’s background in Alaska by various news organizations probably represents the most memorable example of first-hand, pro-active reporting into candidate backgrounds during the general election in 2008. 2) These are just a few of the examples of how the media bandwagon was so influential during 2008. It does not matter the party affiliation or beliefs, we all followed a certain media outlet of choice during that time. The second change between 2004 and 2008 was that Americans decided to get out and vote. Mainly due to the media frenzy, Americans stormed the ballot boxes none the less. Demographics were a very close second to the media during this time of change . The change in numbers is almost unbelievable. The electorate in last year’s presidential election was the most racially and ethnically diverse in U. S. history, with nearly one-in-four votes cast by non-whites, according to a new analysis of Census Bureau data by the Pew Research Center. (3) The unprecedented diversity of the electorate last year was driven by increases both in the number and in the turnout rates of minority eligible voters. Much of the surge in black voter participation in 2008 was driven by increased participation among black women and younger voters. The voter turnout rate among eligible black female voters increased 5. 1 percentage points, from 63. 7% in 2004 to 68. 8% in 2008. Among all racial, ethnic and gender groups, black women had the highest voter turnout rate in November’s election — a first. Overall, whites made up 76. 3% of the record 131 million people who voted in November’s presidential election, while blacks made up 12. 1%, Hispanics 7. 4% and Asians 2. 5%. The white share is the lowest ever, yet is still higher than the 65. 8% white share of the total U. S. population. (3) The third and final thing that changed between the 2004 and 2008 Presidential elections was technology, especially the internet and social media sites. According to a survey conducted by Complete and released by Cisco about the influence of online video and social media applications on American’s political engagement, the Internet was cited by 62 percent of respondents as a regularly used source for 2008 presidential election information and coverage, which was surpassed only by television (82%). Nearly a quarter of Americans (24%) says that they regularly learned something about the campaign from the Internet; almost double the percentage from a comparable point in the 2004 campaign (13%). (4) The Internet has, and has forever, changed the role of how presidential campaigns are fought, and how Americans attain their political news and information. â€Å"Were it not for the Internet, Barack Obama would not be president. Were it not for the Internet, Barack Obama would not have been the nominee,† said Arianna Huffington, editor in chief of The Huffington Post, at a conference on ‘How Politics and Web 2. Intersect,’ at the Web 2. 0 Summit in San Francisco. (4) â€Å"The tools changed between 2004 and 2008. Barack Obama won every single caucus state that matters, and he did it because of those tools, because he was able to move thousands of people to organize,† Joe Trippi said. (4) In conclusion I can definitely see the major changes in political cultu re between the 2004 and 2008 Presidential elections. I also believe these changes started around the 2006 general elections and continued to progress for the next 2 years. It will be very interesting to watch the 2010 general elections and 2012 Presidential election to see how much influence the media and internet have. I think it will only progress until there is literally a live camera around anytime a candidate is in a public setting. Hopefully the trend of people getting out to vote is here to stay. For as Louis L’Amour said â€Å"To make democracy work, we must be a notion of participants, not simply observers.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hamlet’s Tragedy

Hamlet is authentically absorbing and perceptive play, which explores the importance of truth in language and the variables which order truth begins in Shakespeare's work. Shakespeare has amazing ways illustrating throughout the play, the development of the importance of the conflicts of idealism and truth. Shakespeare uses his main character of the play, Hamlet, to demonstrate the idea that individuals make accomplishing goals priority in their lives, but also must keep in mind that not everything we wish for will be accomplished. Shakespeare sets the bar high for his character, Hamlet to achieve. Shakespeare does this to illustrate the idea that individuals with high expectations will strive and work harder towards their goals. Moreover, idealism and truth are two qualities in which the practice of forming and pursuing ideals and the quality of being true exists in correlation. Although both expressions may be interpreted to be similar, in many ways and situations often put these two terms in juxtaposition. In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, Shakespeare suggests that idealism and truth can often have a significant impact on an individual's life through the presentation of truth and experience. Readers, discover what the absolute meaning of truth and idealism signify in each characters lives. However, even Hamlet, Shakespeare's main character does not meet the standards that Shakespeare expects him to. Some individuals will argue that a good sense of balance between idealism and truth will lead to success. Idealism and truth are impacted by factors of relationships, trust and balance between idealism and truth. Idealism in the test, Shakespeare appears to correlate relationships and bonds in friendships. Both play significant role in assisting to set apart friends who are ideal and genuine compared to friends who appear to be ideal, but are in truth rather disloyal subjects. Two characters that appear to be dishonest and phony in the play are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlet's childhood friends. In many instances Rosencrantz and Guildenstern real personalities are revealed through many remarks Hamlet conveys, â€Å"†¦ it is but squeezing you, and, sponge, you/ shall be dry again†(4. 2. 19-21). This quote is very powerful and conveys the message of Rosencrantz being a false riend. The metaphoric compression of Rosencrantz to a sponge, illustrates the reader that Hamlet's friends are not there to assist him as ideal friends should, but rather they are there to reap the rewards Claudius and Gertrude were offering by informing them of Hamlet's actions and emotions. Contrary to the friendship shared between Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and Hamlet's; Horatio appears to be an exceptionally ideal and true companion, â€Å"†¦ Let us impart what we have seen tonight/ Unto young Hamlet† (1. 1. 185-186). his particular quote is representative of Harotio's trust, honestly and endless action of friendship towards the presence and appreciation of the young Hamlet. Moreover, this is an exemplary relationship that appears to present what is often the essence and root of an ideal and true friendship in which the individuals are significantly impacted in a constructive way. Evidently, all throughout the play relationships occur to represent and develop an important role in setting a standard for ideal and true relations. Contrary to the phony friends who only appear to be both, true and ideal. Correlations between individuals greatly impact the way incidents are dealt with and resolved. Trust issues may also serve as an important role in developing an often negative significance on idealism and realism. In many situations, trust has been given by Hamlet to his two childhood friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. However, they have taken this form of trust and have proven to abuse it. Hamlet said, † there's letters sealed; and my two schoolfellows/ whom I trust as I will adders fanged,† (3. 4. 225-226). In the previous quote, Hamlet has made clear his perspective on what Rosencrantz and Guildenstern really meant to him. Comparing them to adders-poisonous snakes appears to emphasize that they are both after Hamlet for his downfall rather than to help aid him in getting past his father's death and depression. This metaphor proves the validity of the friendships and loss of trust is shared between Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The discovery of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's true intention destroys the barrier of trust in the relationship Hamlet had shared with his two companions. Hamlet said, â€Å"†¦Let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp/ And crock the pregnant hinges of the knee† (3. 2. 64-65). In this quote, Hamlet express his feelings. For many individuals, balance is one of the important elements of life. Maintaining level of balance between idealism and truth is a huge aspect of balance in individual's lives. Shakespeare builds a strong character, Hamlet. Ham let, convoy's the idea that being idealistic is very important, but the truth about life must be recognized as well. Hamlet strives to be the best that he can be, to meet the high standards that he puts for man as an individual. Throughout the play, we learn that Hamlet is a very imbalanced individual. Hamlet's everyday life is surrounded by significant and influential people of Denmark. Even the people around Hamlet have noticed that he was a very imbalanced individual. Therefore, they kept disappointing him. Hamlet says, â€Å"And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me: no, nor woman neither†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (2. 2. 308-309). Hamlet believes that all goal are achievable which is unrealistic. Motivation can strive the individual for success, but one must keep in mind achievement is not guaranteed. Throughout the play, Shakespeare also introduces the character Fortinbras, to provide an example of balanced individual. Fortinbras character illustrates idealism in the play, also he illustrates how he sees the world, where it has to provide assistance to himself. After Fortinbras loses his father, he goes after the land that his father lost. Fortinbars's uncle tries to change his mind about attacking Denmark, but Forinbars does not listen. Fortinbras creates a plan to attack Denmark, while he passes through Poland. Throughout the play Fortinbras illustrates great balance between the truth and idealism, where he recognizes the truth about the world , but he assures to get uses to the ideals to be sufficient. As a result, Fortinbars lives and strives towards the ideals he created for himself, but also keeps in mind that some things in life may work out differently. Therefore, individuals must create a balance between idealism and truth to keep their life going. To conclude, idealism and truth are impacted by factors of relationships, trust and balance between idealism and truth. Shakespeare express idealism and truth through his main character, Hamlet. Shakespeare sets high goals for Hamlet to achieve, to illustrate the idea that individuals with high expectations will strive and work harder towards their goals. The truth throughout the play reminds us to be realistic and that not all what we work hard for will be accomplished, and we must have a major balance between idealism and truth. Balance will create a easier path for one to live their life happily. Hamlet's play was created to send a strong message to its audience. The classic play sends an advice to its audience about how an individual should maintain a sense of balance to achieve a better life.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Water Essays

Water Essays Water Essay Water Essay The commonest of all elements on earth is water, â€Å"which covers about 75% of the earth’s surface.† (Crystal, 1990). It is essential to life and living organisms. Today’s water problems are â€Å"scarcity, depletion, pollution, lack of sanitation, falling rains due to global warming, cross-border conflict, profligate use and mismanagement.† (Godrej, 2003). Overuse is exemplified by us humans by â€Å"tapping them like there is no tomorrow.† (Godrej, 2003). We are pumping out about 200 million cubic meters more than can be recharged. Approximately â€Å"three-fourths of this Earth is covered by the ocean.†( Allen, 1993). But â€Å"97.5 percent of the water is salt water, not fit for human use.† (New Internationalist, 2003). Dirty water is the cause of numerous diseases but improving â€Å"hygiene and sanitation are equally-important in order to curb water-related diseases, and by 2025, two thirds of the world’s people will be facing stress.† (New Internationalist, 2003).Water pollution affects oceans streams, rivers, lakes, ponds and ground water and can also cause natural impurities and   human activities that the nearby does. According to Patricia Barnes-Svarney in 1996,   â€Å"Human activities are also of localized water pollution as water become contaminated with heavy metals, chemicals and bacteria, or untreated sewage runoff   from homes and industries†Ã‚   (Barnes-Svarney, 1996). Some 1.2 million people around the world lack access to clean water, twice that number have no sanitation, and most of the world will not have enough water within 30 years.† (Vidal, 2002). â€Å"Some 70% of all the world’s fresh water used by man goes to grow food, and in the US, North Africa and Asia, the farmers can take up 95%.† The global consumption of water is multiplying every 20 years and new sources are becoming scarcer and more expensive to develop and treat.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biological Evolution and Genetic Variation

Biological Evolution and Genetic Variation Biological evolution is defined as any genetic change in a population that is inherited over several generations. These changes may be small or large, noticeable or not so noticeable.  In order for an event to be considered an instance of evolution, changes have to occur on the genetic level of a population and be passed on from one generation to the next.  This means that the genes, or more specifically, the alleles in the population change and are passed on. These changes are noticed in the phenotypes (expressed physical traits that can be seen) of the population. A change on the genetic level of a population is defined as a small-scale change and is called microevolution.  Biological evolution also includes the idea that all of life is connected and can be traced back to one common ancestor. This is called macroevolution. What Evolution Is Not Biological evolution is not defined as simply change over time.  Many organisms experience changes over time, such as weight loss or gain. These changes are not considered instances of evolution because they are not genetic changes that can be passed on to the next generation. Is Evolution a Theory? Evolution is a scientific theory that was proposed by Charles Darwin. A scientific theory gives explanations and predictions for naturally occurring phenomena based on observations and experimentations. This type of theory attempts to explain how events seen in the natural world work. The definition of a scientific theory differs from the common meaning of theory, which is defined as a guess or a supposition about a particular process. In contrast, a good scientific theory must be testable, falsifiable, and substantiated by factual evidence. When it comes to a scientific theory, there is no absolute proof. Its more a case of confirming the reasonability of accepting a theory as a viable explanation for a particular event. What Is Natural Selection? Natural selection is the process by which biological evolutionary changes take place. Natural selection acts on populations and not individuals. It is based on the following concepts: Individuals in a population have different traits which can be inherited.These individuals produce more young than the environment can support.The individuals in a population that are best suited to their environment will leave more offspring, resulting in a change in the genetic makeup of a population. The genetic variations that arise in a population happen by chance, but the process of natural selection does not. Natural selection is the result of the interactions between genetic variations in a population and the environment. The environment determines which variations are more favorable. Individuals that possess traits that are better suited to their environment will survive to produce more offspring than other individuals. More favorable traits are thereby passed on to the population as a whole. Examples of genetic variation in a population include the modified leaves of carnivorous plants, cheetahs with stripes, snakes that fly, animals that play dead, and animals that resemble leaves. How Does Genetic Variation Occur in a Population? Genetic variation occurs  mainly through DNA mutation, gene flow (movement of genes from one population to another) and sexual reproduction. Due to the fact that environments are unstable, populations that are genetically variable will be able to adapt to changing situations better than those that do not contain genetic variations. Sexual reproduction allows for genetic variations to occur through genetic recombination. Recombination occurs during meiosis and provides a way for producing new combinations of alleles on a single chromosome. Independent assortment during meiosis allows for an indefinite number of combinations of genes. Sexual reproduction makes it possible to assemble favorable gene combinations in a population or to remove unfavorable gene combinations from a population. Populations with more favorable genetic combinations will survive in their environment and reproduce more offspring than those with less favorable genetic combinations. Biological Evolution Versus Creation The theory of evolution has caused controversy from the time of its introduction until today. The controversy stems from the perception that biological evolution is at odds with religion concerning the need for a divine creator. Evolutionists contend that evolution does not address the issue of whether or not God exists, but attempts to explain how natural processes work. In doing so, however, there is no escaping the fact that evolution contradicts certain aspects of some religious beliefs. For example, the evolutionary account for the existence of life and the biblical account of creation are quite different. Evolution suggests that all life is connected and can be traced back to one common ancestor. A literal interpretation of biblical creation suggests that life was created by an all-powerful, supernatural being (God). Still, others have tried to merge these two concepts by contending that evolution does not exclude the possibility of the existence of God, but merely explains the process by which God created life. This view, however, still contradicts a literal interpretation of creation as presented in the bible. In paring down the issue, a major bone of contention between the two views is the concept of macroevolution. For the most part, evolutionists and creationists agree that microevolution does occur and is visible in nature. Macroevolution, however, refers to the process of evolution that takes place on the level of species, in which one species evolves from another species. This is in stark contrast to the biblical view that God was personally involved in the formation and creation of living organisms. For now, the evolution/creation debate continues on and it appears that the differences between these two views are not likely to be settled anytime soon.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Name of Newborn Child Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Name of Newborn Child - Essay Example In the last few months of pregnancy, parents should start searching online and in baby books for possible names of their child. Usually, at this point in time, the gender of the child is known, hence names can be shortlisted accordingly. Preselects and shortlist the names that both of you prefer. Do not be stubborn when selecting possible names for your child and do not choose names on the name of your great great great grandfather who supposedly did many amazing things when he was living. You must consider that your child will be stamped with this name for his/her entire life; hence the name should be contemporary and must not be embarrassing for the child. A name can have a lasting impact on a child’s personality; hence, it is important to choose a name with a good meaning. Ensure that the name does not have any exceptionally embarrassing meaning in a few well-known languages. Also, ensure that the name has a meaning or quality that you would like to see in your child. Ensure that the name you have chosen sounds good with the child’s family name. It is acceptable to match the child’s name with your own and that of the child’s other siblings like some parents like all of their children’s names to begin with the same letter. However, do not make that the only important factor. Diversity is good, and if siblings have names that rhyme or sound alike, that is not an issue. The important thing is to consider a name that your child will feel comfortable with and appreciate all their life. Last but not the least, consult all your relatives and the child’s grandparents for possible suggestions. Look around you at names of other people that seem attractive to you. However, do not forget to consider the other mentioned factors before making the final selection. Although the saying says, â€Å"What’s in a Name?† names do tend to matter and should be chosen carefully (Cartel, 2012).  Ã‚